The Benefit of Myofascial Cupping Release.

Myofascial cupping is a form of trigger point therapy and myofascial release. This therapy combines massage and stretching techniques with the use of pressurised cups. Soft tissue is suctioned inside the cups, allowing for fluid movement and nutrient supply to the tissues. The movement of fluid detoxifies, stimulates, and increases range of motion. The ultimate goal of this treatment is to promote an individual’s health by loosening soft tissue and increasing circulation. Continue reading to learn more about the techniques and benefits of myofascial cupping.


A myofascial cupping treatment starts with palpation and massage to locate target areas. Once target areas are located, cups are placed on them and engaged so a negative pressure is created inside them. The negative pressure lifts and separates the soft tissue. Balms or creams are then used to move the cups along the affected areas. This process pulls fresh oxygen and nutrient enriched blood along as the cups move.

Stretching the muscles and tissues during the myofascial cupping session helps to return movement to tight or painful areas. Also, by focusing in on these areas using trigger point therapy, chronic pain and future issues can be eliminated. Combining all of the techniques of myofascial cupping can help those with tight, lumpy shoulder muscles caused by everyday stress, as well as injured athletes.


The detoxifying, stimulating, and nourishing properties of myofascial cupping are found to work wonders for the treatment of scar tissue, stretch marks, and adhesions. The treatment also helps to prevent these issues and increase range of motion in burn victims.

Cupping therapy in itself improves circulation and aids in draining lymph fluid. Those who are dealing with injury or post-surgery issues can benefit from the clearing of old residue, blood, and solidified lymph. These fluids are flushed from the muscle and soft tissue through this type of therapy.

Massage cupping can be considered the opposite of traditional massage therapy in technique. Instead of using pressure on different points of the body, massage cupping uses suction to tug the skin, muscles, and tissues upwards. Cupping, credited as a traditional Chinese medicine, has been used for centuries to cure a number of ailments. This therapy is an effective, inexpensive, and safe way to treat pain. The following will explain more about the process of massage cupping and how it can help you.


The certified cupping therapist uses suction on different points on the body. Cups are placed onto the body and then the skin, tissues, and muscles are gently lifted inside. This process promotes the flow of blood to the tissues and muscles, and supplies nutrients to the cells.


This therapy softens tightened muscles and loosens any adhesions or knots. By lifting the connecting tissues, cupping opens blockages in the lymphatic nodes. This action allows the flow of lymph and releases excess fluids. This process also draws inflammation from the deep tissues to the surface of the skin so that they can heal.


Massage cupping therapy uses several different techniques. The therapist designs the movements in accordance with the area being treated. Every movement used has a healing effect. Circular strokes are often used on the shoulders, hips, and thighs, while long, gliding strokes are used when treating areas on the back. Small cups are used to treat areas like the neck and larger ones are used on the back.


After a session, the certified cupping therapist may apply a cold compress to relax your skin. Some therapist also use essential oils, analgesic, or liniments. These salves work to increase blood circulation to targeted areas and clear away toxins. Cupping is generally safe for just about anyone. You should be aware that this therapy may leave marks on the areas of the skin that were treated. These marks can take several days to disappear, depending on the type of treatment and the length of time the cups remained on the skin.