How often should I get a massage for back pain?

Sadly, back pain is an extremely common affliction. 4 out of 5 Australians experience it at some point in their life, with those over 25 years of age most likely to be affected. It can vary wildly based on the individual and the cause: some experience pain in their lower back or lumbar region, while others have trouble with the upper back or neck. Even the type of pain can vary from dull aches and spasms to sharp pangs, with reduced mobility a common side effect of the pain. The cause can be equally varied, from bad posture and labour-intensive work to abdominal weakness and weight problems.

Massage as a treatment for back pain

Remedial massage is one of the most accessible forms of treatment for back pain and can be highly effective depending on the nature of your condition. Massage is not a cure, which means pain will persist if the cause is not properly addressed, but it can certainly provide much-needed relief. Therapists use a range of techniques to help improve circulation, reduce tension and aid recovery, particularly for those who suffer from chronic pain.

How regularly to get massages for back pain

One of the questions we are frequently asked by customers with back pain is how often they should come in for a session. Is one massage enough, or should I start coming in every day? The answer almost always lies somewhere in between these two extremes, but unfortunately there is no secret sweet spot. The ideal length and frequency of massage depends largely on the type of pain you experience, your general physical wellbeing and how you respond to the sessions.

However, that is not to say there is no research: one study found patients with chronic lower back pain benefited from daily 30 minute-sessions of deep tissue massage. Daily massages are not realistic for most people, so speak with your therapist and doctor about what would be appropriate given your circumstances. Much of it will depend on how quickly your pain returns: you may go weeks after a session without feeling any soreness, or you may find you need a session every few days to keep the pain at bay.

To find out more about massage for back pain and our other services, get in touch with Christopher’s Remedial Massage and we will be happy to discuss how we can help.

Revitalize Your Body & Mind

Christopher’s Remedial Massage offers expert services to help you feel your best effortlessly.

  • Custom Massage Treatments
  • Relief for Pain & Tension
  • Improved Mobility & Relaxation